typically - 전형적으로, 대표적으로, 자주 있는 일이지만, 대체적으로
- The <ul> HTML element represents an unordered list of items, typically rendered as a bulleted list.
permitted - 허락하다, 용인하다, 통과하다
omission - 생략, 빠뜨림, 누락, 탈락
- 절대, 맹목적인
- 은연중에 내포된, 함축적인
alternate between A and B - (사람 상태 등이) A와 B사이를 왔다 갔다 하며 변동한다
- the nested lists may alternate between <ol> and <ul> without restriction.
alternate A with(and, by) B - (사물 등) A와 B를 번갈아 하다
rule of thumb - 경험에 의거한 방법, 대략적인 방법
- 다른 방법으로, 다르게, 달리
- 다른 점에서는
- 그렇지 않으면, 다른 상황에서는
- if the meaning is changed, the <ol> element should be used, otherwise you can use <ul>.
hence - for this reason, in the future
non-semantic elements - <div> and <span> - Tells nothing about its content.
semantic elements - <form>, <table>, and <article> - Clearly defines its content.
inherent - existing in something as a permanent
disorienting - causing someone to lose their sence of direction
attempt - make an effort to achieve or complete
chronological - starting with the earliest and following the order n which they occurred
indeed - 과연, 참으로
infer - conclude(information) from evidence and reasoning
eliminate - completely remove
downside - the negative aspect of something otherwise regarded as good or desirable
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